Friday 5 August 2011


She calls me daily and asks me anew
“do you love me?”
Everyday as usual ‘yes I love you’
Is the answer
What are you doing,had your lunch, why is your voice so weak----
Series of questions,
I answer in clarity all of them.
She asks again ‘do you love me?’
Havent I said that I love you----irritation in the tone.
There ----you are annoyed with me,
‘you don’t have love for me’ she  fumes .
She sulks and until after noon
Does not even call me.
Doubting if she is still in the bad mood
I call her and wish.
The same question again
‘are you loving me?’
It had been so long since we are one, and repeatedly
‘How many times can I say the same word daily’.
There you are
‘You have lost love for me’ she snaps again

In the evening
Reaching home I try to wish her in good humor
Who is with a long face.
Keeping a querying face without  a word
She asks everything with her eyes
Unable to keep away I explain everything in words.
Again in the morning
When we are out running to our work
There will be a phone call from her again asking
‘Do you love me’. 

. @ .

Telugu original: NITHYA SANDEHAM
English translation: Jagaddhatri