Wednesday 31 August 2011


Not a waste
Every enjoyment essential,
every  event for an entity only—
Let the sea swell still, still….
Nothing goes waste!

Let man appear in
Myriad shapes,
The ultimate survives on its own !
Then and there, all forms look
Tempting of terrifying—
Baffling as a bewitching spectacle
May disappear instantly !

To await with utmost patience
Is the need of the hour,
Let us extend entire responsibility to time!
***  ***  ***  ***  *** ***  ***  ***  ***  ***

[Translated from Telugu by T.  S.  Chandra Mouli & B.  B. Sarojini from the volume Sarihaddu Rekha (Nov.2002) ; poem titled : Thadi (P.144) ]


A bird folds sky
in its wings’ spectrum----
                             wings the sources of its confidence  !

Branches of a tree beckon the sky
stretching strenuously day and night---
                                          sap green confidence in their confidence !

Years chase time
relentlessly ---
                     life, source of their inner strength!

Self-confidence, my secret---
that dazzles on dainty movements!
***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  *** ** *

[Translated from Telugu by T.  S.  Chandra Mouli & B.  B. Sarojini from the volume Sarihaddu Rekha (Nov.2002) ; poem titled : Rahasyam (P.144) ]

The Creative Movement

Whirling dreams

Fingers cajole, caress as they
More through strands of Lair
Drowsily into the depth of ecstasy
In the radiance of serene half-awakened consciousness
Embodying each passing moment with care

A great ecstatic cell is created
Words glow
Like the gleaming sap in the beaks
Of birds that perch on corn fields

This is the poetic hour
The creative moment.
***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***

[Translated from Telugu by Dr. Y. Satyanarayana from the volume Sarihaddu Rekha (Nov.2002) ; poem titled : Kankula Pallu  (P.93) ]

Monday 22 August 2011

Sahaja Bhaasha

Indian Review : Sahaja Bhaasha by Yakoob : Trans – Jagaddhatri

Native Tongue

All dreams near the one
Doused in a sound peaceful slumber
Danger greets the one who is
Walking with fear and fret
One who treads fearless
Reaches his destiny without hassle
One travelling lovingly can alone
Build himself as a complete man
One who apprehensively steps into
Forever suffers in the hell like life
Is a tool specially made for life
One who holds it
Doubtlessly stores his victory in the life’s almirah—
Fearless wandering is only real life
Isnt’t it!

Telugu original: SAHAJA BHAASHA by YAKOOB
English translationJagaddhatr

Tuesday 16 August 2011


I trust the boy within me.
I find endearing, absorbing
His impishness
His pranks

A child is like a tender flower
Swayed by the gentle breeze

Toddlers feet and
Are like a native village pining
To redeem the land’s debt
A child eats clay
Rubs it like sandalwood paste

Melts at a touch
Laughs blissfully
His wadding gait
Is in itself
A work of art

When I talk to myself
About the nectar
My earliest bowl of 
Milk was
About the love that mother
Taught me as it flowed through
Her milk
About the sorrows and the joys of the world
It  is this child within me
Who moves inside
A churning-stick his hand.


[Translated from Telugu by Dr. Y. Satyanarayana from the volume Sarihaddu Reekha (Nov.2002) ; poem titled : Pilladu (P.9) ]

Tuesday 9 August 2011


For him, who sleeps among blossoms
Rainbows are not required at all!

For flushing with verdant green,
Spontaneity of sprouts is not needed!

For him moistened with cloud’s conscience,
Need arises not to be luminous again like lightening!

For him, who slides as strain of bloodstream,
Acquaintance with moisture of momentous life unessential!

To him, who defines nature of love
Its not essential to disclose discourse of debilitating past!


[Translated from Telugu by T.  S.  Chandra Mouli & B.  B. Sarojini from the volume Sarihaddu Rekha (Nov.2002) ; poem titled : Thadi (P.29) ]

Let us Speakout !

let us speak out:
desire to speak out itself a remarkable revelation!.
Fact and fiction in speech
no longer differentiable.

In fact,
What is compassion, or crookedness,
What is good or bad
No longer discernable!

Let us speak out
Amidst words
That are like a sweet smile
Acquired on vowing life;
That are like the unmolested raindrop,
That are like mother’s affectionate kiss!

Unfettering the shackled words
Let us speak out freely!

Yes, this is the time to speak out-
Awaited this moment all these years avidly;
Not for me alone
But, for all of us, this is the movement!
Time to dismantle demarcations,
Come dear
Let us speak out freely!

[ Translated from Telugu by T.  S.  Chandra Mouli & B.  B.  Sarojini from the volume Sarihaddu Rekha (2002), poem titled Maatlladudaam (P.43)  ]

Healing Touch

In the scenes we leave behind
Dwells our inner self
Strange is the past;
It stays with us lending a healing touch

Time-a hall of mirrors
But, nothing is, as it seems

We stalk shadows
Moving back and forth
And help our wounds to heal

Search for your inner self
As you would search
For the point of a river’s origin…

In the end, we find ourselves to be
An image of a following river.


[Translated from Telugu by Dr. Y . Sathyanarayana from the volume Sarihaddu Rekha (Nov.2002) ; poem titled : Oushadagunam (P.124) ]


“Why do we write?
Battling within ourselves
Heightened by vexation
Why do we write within?”

“ To understand, absorb
The transcendental sorrow
In us
Within us

To feel and experience and
See sorrows that seen invisible
That lie hidden deep within
To know ourselves
We write so

When we look at life
Through a gaze that is
An exquisite feeling
Moves us to experiences the slightest touch
How can we not write?”
***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  *** ** *

[Translated from Telugu by Dr. Y. Satyanarayana from the volume Sarihaddu Rekha (Nov.2002) ; poem titled : Srushti (P.9) ]

Monday 8 August 2011

Border Line

A crime it is
Unseen lines drawn
On each step
On each look
A crime it is
Living together too.

A life started
Afresh, unaware
Stands like a question
A mark between
Indelible lines.

Those houses
Are of  pa, are of Allah
These houses
Are of ma, are of their Gods
Says five year old Sahir.
Starts life once more
The same question.

So sad, even this tiny tot’s
Life can’t shake the taut structure.

Two clashing border lines
The houses of those of ma’
The houses of these of pa’
Border lines of two faiths
Between his sport and play
Marking his moves and movements
His conduct and character

Love  is no crime
Keeping  a Bindi on
Or wiping it off at the outskirts
No crime.

Mere habits
Simple markers
Mere features
Saraswati Namasthubhyam’
‘Allaho Akbar’.
Travel you must great distances
Between tow conjugal configurations
Against tow provocative names
Fignting the forbidding roots.

We remain-
She a temple,
Me a Masjid.

Which synagogue hanging mid air
Should we together
Fix as a token
For our tiny tot?

Philosophers too wouldn’t predict
If we can ever reach a stage sans religion
Even atheists wouldn’t give up
Bangles, Hindi or Saffronisms
Nor do rationalists and Kafirs
                                      Their totems.
May be religion too like
Blood has crept up the body?

Borderline between body and body politic
Between body and religion
Between body and human bond
Between body and passion
A border line
                                              ching !

[Translated from Telugu by Vangunta Mohan Prasad from the volume sarihaddu Rekha 2002
 poem titled ‘Sarihaddu Rekha’  (P.27) ]

Friday 5 August 2011


She calls me daily and asks me anew
“do you love me?”
Everyday as usual ‘yes I love you’
Is the answer
What are you doing,had your lunch, why is your voice so weak----
Series of questions,
I answer in clarity all of them.
She asks again ‘do you love me?’
Havent I said that I love you----irritation in the tone.
There ----you are annoyed with me,
‘you don’t have love for me’ she  fumes .
She sulks and until after noon
Does not even call me.
Doubting if she is still in the bad mood
I call her and wish.
The same question again
‘are you loving me?’
It had been so long since we are one, and repeatedly
‘How many times can I say the same word daily’.
There you are
‘You have lost love for me’ she snaps again

In the evening
Reaching home I try to wish her in good humor
Who is with a long face.
Keeping a querying face without  a word
She asks everything with her eyes
Unable to keep away I explain everything in words.
Again in the morning
When we are out running to our work
There will be a phone call from her again asking
‘Do you love me’. 

. @ .

Telugu original: NITHYA SANDEHAM
English translation: Jagaddhatri


No one bothers to ask who we are!
It’s weird-
We start knowing, on ourselves, who we are!
Comprehension stumbles upon
-Rather as a stranger-
As we reached the unknowable destiny.

What chemical reaction is it
-To remain as nothing-
Subsequent to the swing from one place to the other?

Finally, it’ll be substantiated that we’re all nothing!
Certain objects, some coins and a few relationships
Stay behind there since long, hooting at us!
It’s our part to arrive at rubbles and quit-
Just as in the case of many.

Some hermit, away outside, draws out men from his song!
-Searching through all roads-
He seeks impeccable ignorance-
It’s again we, who don’t grasp his songs!