Friday 23 December 2011

Bodies Reverised

A rivrer……
Born anew on the earth
Springing out from the clefts
Gurgling to the frontiers of earth and sky

The breeze humming afresh
Nigh lingering for a new language

Clambering onto the dreams
Night’s eyes weary out

New script
New dream
New river
Minutes in search of synonyms

Slumber carried away
In a hooded cart

Tired earth
 canopied with mushrooms

Two liquiscent bodies
In the horizon
The brooks running to eternity

Two breaths…
Melting into ragas,
Reign the night

Jus two spectators

Night steals a look

Night drags on

Dawn stalled

Even the sun sleeps.

                                                                                                Telugu: Digantamlo Nadi
                                                                                                         English: K.S.P.Roy

Saturday 17 December 2011


Like a warm hand
on my weary shoulder
you came close to me .

In a dreamless night
you became a balmy poem.
For days sans a wrap
you have given a shape.
Shielding a heroic poet
you infused inspiration , imagination.
On a wounded body
you landed as a bird with healing touch .
Like spring that courted the earth
You are a multi- splendoured smile.
You became a butterfly
far beyond evolutionary dynamics.

You are the pollen of life with an amazing fusion of feelings on observing --- thorny plants, Caltrops, leeches that drained my blood in Nallavagu , nuances of songs composed on machans , tasty reeds and swinging ears of jowar corn .

For a sharpened chisel like me
you are an abiding aspiration.
During the nights I slept
you softly spread as tender youth .
Across contemplative tamarind tree
you are my sap green future
painted by nature .

You are my soul who
showed me what I am
placing me before a mirror.

You are a loving lightning
seen in the wrinkles of my mother's face .
Like my father's humming tune
ringing in ears,
you glided into my inner core.

So much compassion
So much love
So much warmth you shower!

The moment you stepped
into threshold of my life
stretching your right foot
I shuddered with a singular self-confidence.

With the sense you lent
to dreams blooming in my heart
I have become a poet !

[Translated from Telugu by T.S.Chandra Mouli & B.B.Sarojini from the volume Sarihaddurekha , 2002,poem titled KuDi Kaalu,p-14-15]

Sunday 27 November 2011

The City Imprisoned

Road. . .  like a  barren field.

Running vehicles
Resemble those crying over
The dead body

Here and there
Noise of frightened eyes
peeping from behind the bars

A precarious ‘khakhi’ keeping guard

The buzzing city
now standing
at the door of silence like
a prostitute

The lad’s kite,
the dead leaf
freeze in the air

All the doors closed
for the newspapers
that quench our morning-thirst

Man opens eyes
in front of the blind box
with the clatter of a chariot

The road
dark and wet with flood all over

The man yet to reach home……
a boat caught up in
high tide

losing the right on ourselves
eating our own bodies

The city-sans-eyes
now counting the corpses.

The same hands
the same lips
the crushed bodies.

The lone breath…CURFEW
the hungry body wakes up again
to curfew

Fatally chained in loneliness
we run for life
Curfew closes on all sides.

Freedom jailed in houses
Now it is a rifle that keeps guard

Man…behind the bars
bleakly looking out
Into curfew

Telugu   :Jail to Nagaram
English: K.S.P. Roy

Wednesday 21 September 2011


I started from somewhere
Did not know till where would I go at all.
Yester, today, past, present
Time spent, spending
Was crystal clear known
        Only, in experience

All the paths are for morrow
They extend along, stretching the man
What’s tomorrow?
Will it be like yesterday? Or else
At least like today?

I am asking you –
Tell me- can you say surely?
Try    - try imagining a little

Perhaps none can tell!
In to the morrow unimaginable
Not knowing our way leading where to
We tread forward.
The good deeds of today,
Remove the hurdles of tomorrow’s path
All of them say so
Some seek god, worship
Embracing all the ways around god
For a good morrow
Prostrating, on kneels, into the ecstasy of prayers
They relax weeping immensely.
In their worship of god
They do not even care for the man beside them.
Some of them store the prasadam with patent rights.
And some more turning holy soldiers
And some more bubbling in the mass preaches

Luring with money, inviting into the religion
They are washing off the past.
Can we befool the attitude changing the attire?
Can we erase the growth of the past that come from within?
Only by reciting the words
Can we turn religious followers?
Can we pour our mind in total in to religion we changed to?

One word from me!
In the journey of life love is the only access to reach near
In the journey of love my beloved is my companion.
Glancing into the eyes of my lady love
A feel of lifetime security
Though weeps and tears perturb me
The self confidence I pour into me from her
Always keeps me losing not.
Loving my beloved heartily
Penance to have a darsan of her inner self
All this
Is this labor of mine is to love the fellow man.
It is from this hard slog
The voice within speaks to me so
‘Man is truth, Man alone is truth, besides Loving man
Rest all is false’.

 Translation by:  jagathi

Wednesday 31 August 2011


Not a waste
Every enjoyment essential,
every  event for an entity only—
Let the sea swell still, still….
Nothing goes waste!

Let man appear in
Myriad shapes,
The ultimate survives on its own !
Then and there, all forms look
Tempting of terrifying—
Baffling as a bewitching spectacle
May disappear instantly !

To await with utmost patience
Is the need of the hour,
Let us extend entire responsibility to time!
***  ***  ***  ***  *** ***  ***  ***  ***  ***

[Translated from Telugu by T.  S.  Chandra Mouli & B.  B. Sarojini from the volume Sarihaddu Rekha (Nov.2002) ; poem titled : Thadi (P.144) ]


A bird folds sky
in its wings’ spectrum----
                             wings the sources of its confidence  !

Branches of a tree beckon the sky
stretching strenuously day and night---
                                          sap green confidence in their confidence !

Years chase time
relentlessly ---
                     life, source of their inner strength!

Self-confidence, my secret---
that dazzles on dainty movements!
***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  *** ** *

[Translated from Telugu by T.  S.  Chandra Mouli & B.  B. Sarojini from the volume Sarihaddu Rekha (Nov.2002) ; poem titled : Rahasyam (P.144) ]

The Creative Movement

Whirling dreams

Fingers cajole, caress as they
More through strands of Lair
Drowsily into the depth of ecstasy
In the radiance of serene half-awakened consciousness
Embodying each passing moment with care

A great ecstatic cell is created
Words glow
Like the gleaming sap in the beaks
Of birds that perch on corn fields

This is the poetic hour
The creative moment.
***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***

[Translated from Telugu by Dr. Y. Satyanarayana from the volume Sarihaddu Rekha (Nov.2002) ; poem titled : Kankula Pallu  (P.93) ]

Monday 22 August 2011

Sahaja Bhaasha

Indian Review : Sahaja Bhaasha by Yakoob : Trans – Jagaddhatri

Native Tongue

All dreams near the one
Doused in a sound peaceful slumber
Danger greets the one who is
Walking with fear and fret
One who treads fearless
Reaches his destiny without hassle
One travelling lovingly can alone
Build himself as a complete man
One who apprehensively steps into
Forever suffers in the hell like life
Is a tool specially made for life
One who holds it
Doubtlessly stores his victory in the life’s almirah—
Fearless wandering is only real life
Isnt’t it!

Telugu original: SAHAJA BHAASHA by YAKOOB
English translationJagaddhatr

Tuesday 16 August 2011


I trust the boy within me.
I find endearing, absorbing
His impishness
His pranks

A child is like a tender flower
Swayed by the gentle breeze

Toddlers feet and
Are like a native village pining
To redeem the land’s debt
A child eats clay
Rubs it like sandalwood paste

Melts at a touch
Laughs blissfully
His wadding gait
Is in itself
A work of art

When I talk to myself
About the nectar
My earliest bowl of 
Milk was
About the love that mother
Taught me as it flowed through
Her milk
About the sorrows and the joys of the world
It  is this child within me
Who moves inside
A churning-stick his hand.


[Translated from Telugu by Dr. Y. Satyanarayana from the volume Sarihaddu Reekha (Nov.2002) ; poem titled : Pilladu (P.9) ]