Wednesday 21 September 2011


I started from somewhere
Did not know till where would I go at all.
Yester, today, past, present
Time spent, spending
Was crystal clear known
        Only, in experience

All the paths are for morrow
They extend along, stretching the man
What’s tomorrow?
Will it be like yesterday? Or else
At least like today?

I am asking you –
Tell me- can you say surely?
Try    - try imagining a little

Perhaps none can tell!
In to the morrow unimaginable
Not knowing our way leading where to
We tread forward.
The good deeds of today,
Remove the hurdles of tomorrow’s path
All of them say so
Some seek god, worship
Embracing all the ways around god
For a good morrow
Prostrating, on kneels, into the ecstasy of prayers
They relax weeping immensely.
In their worship of god
They do not even care for the man beside them.
Some of them store the prasadam with patent rights.
And some more turning holy soldiers
And some more bubbling in the mass preaches

Luring with money, inviting into the religion
They are washing off the past.
Can we befool the attitude changing the attire?
Can we erase the growth of the past that come from within?
Only by reciting the words
Can we turn religious followers?
Can we pour our mind in total in to religion we changed to?

One word from me!
In the journey of life love is the only access to reach near
In the journey of love my beloved is my companion.
Glancing into the eyes of my lady love
A feel of lifetime security
Though weeps and tears perturb me
The self confidence I pour into me from her
Always keeps me losing not.
Loving my beloved heartily
Penance to have a darsan of her inner self
All this
Is this labor of mine is to love the fellow man.
It is from this hard slog
The voice within speaks to me so
‘Man is truth, Man alone is truth, besides Loving man
Rest all is false’.

 Translation by:  jagathi

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